B2B differs from B2C in the detail, not the principle.
Marketing is easy to explain but difficult to do well. The difference between B2B and B2C is all in the details, not the principles (download our strategy guide to understand principles).
In this article, we tackle the Why? and How? of it's difference.
The main reason why B2B is different is complexity.
B2B is nearly always more complex. The complexity relates to the products or services on offer and the sales journeys that need planning. This could mean many stakeholders/decision makers to address and reach in different ways and more complex sales journeys where much of the conversion will happen offline.
To dramatise this complexity, we decided to share some examples of How...
Here’s how B2B differs from B2C. This example shows the different stakeholders involved in purchasing high-technology manufacturing tools. We’ve organised the nine stakeholders into three working segments based on their needs.
The image below shows how we map these stakeholder needs to the three segments, which allows us to start planning propositions, messaging and journeys.
And finally, below shows how we simplify this complexity to plan messaging and content ‘through the funnel’.
We hope these simple charts help clarify the difference between B2B and B2C, and explains why Nucco puts ‘make it beautifully simple’ at the heart of its work.
If you’d like to learn about our approach you can read more here.